5 Things the World Can Learn from London

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There are some things London just does better.

It’s time to take notes world!

TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

Buckingham Palace

1. London Knows How to Embrace Expats

Sure, it’s not 100% easy, and of course there is no possibility of absolutely zero discrimination in any city, but London is one step ahead of the game on welcoming people from around the world.

As I took a jog around Shoreditch, home to an American friend living in London, the melange of cultures was so clear. If not the most international city in the world, London is one of the top, offering opportunity to a vastly diverse global community.

TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

View from my friend’s apartment in Shoreditch

2. London Nails Public Transit

When the tube breaks down, all hell breaks loose in London. People literally are excused from coming to work if there is a tube strike.

However, the London subways and train system are inarguably one of the most effective, running often and with numerous stops. Although it does get a bit crowded, the trains will get you from Point A to Point B in a busy city.

TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

View at the Shard, London

3. London Appreciates Great Weather

London boasts gorgeous parks that are perfect for picnics! I went on amazing picnics both times I’ve visited London.

Greenwich Park, Hyde Park, Regent’s Park — pick a park, any park. There are so many! As a sucker for sunshine, there is nothing lovelier than a bunch of people in a good mood because of lovely weather.

TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

Hyde Park

4. London Rocks International Cuisine

Indian food in London is like Mexican food in California. Italian food in London is like Mexican food in California. Pretty much all food in London (except for Mexican food) is like Mexican food in California.


TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

Iddu London – Italian delicacies.

TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

Theo Randandall London   – fine cuisine

5. Speaking with a British Accent

Have mercy. Point end.

Where to Stay in London

TravelBreak.net - What the world can learn from London

View from my apartment at the Cheval Three Quays Residences.

I become a bit homesick sometimes traveling full-time, so an English speaking country where I am able to ask for directions when lost seems like an oasis. Therefore, I opted to stay in an apartment during my stay in London so I could truly feel at home.

 is a great place to start.

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